Ahh...The air somehow seems fresher (despite me not having aired the place out for quite some time) and ..everything just seem brighter and better. The reasonb for this would be my ''new'' computer. It IS new, but not new in the sense as it can handle crysis. A simple laptop with 1.5 intel pentinum dual core, and the other usual thingies. Although i would have liked the chance to get back in touch with newer games i'll just have to accept that i'm stuck with something less for a while. Still, there's no reason to fret. I can atleast play my insanely large colletion of older pc games, and that alone should keep me occupied for some while.
It's nice to be back on the web, and the recurring nightmares and shakes has stopped now, save for a few that comes whenever i need to restart the router. Gaaah.
To celebrate my new computer, and the fact that i can now atleast LOOK at games with somewhat advanced graphics without the computer exploding-at home- i checked up on Battlefield Heroes. After looking at the Trailer, looking at the screenshots, and reading the dev blog i can happily say that i've gotten quite a good impression of the game. My original feelings of a miserly attempt at reaching out to the public has been dispelled, and the game itself looks insanely fun. Wich , coming from EA, is not only a good thing, but also a suprising thing. Maybe this is a sign of things to come? Might EA trying to establish themselves as the good guys for once? Well...i could be reading too much into this, but one can hope. At any rate i very much doubt it after looking at this screen.
See the guy standing up? Look at his face. Don't tell me that's not the face of a great evil. Combine that with the pained looks of the people sitting down, and it's fairly obvious. EA has shifted their evilness from us (wich is a good thing) and added onto the already tired developers. (wich is a bad thing..i think)
And before i get on another subject, here's the website http://www.battlefield-heroes.com/ just in case you didn't know.
I suppose i haven't done much else worthy of noticing. Oh, got WoW recently and..well. It's been fun. Not nearly the ''crack'' as some people has described it as, but it's a decent way to pass the time. So far i've tried Tauren shaman, undead warlock, dwarf hunter and night elf warrior. I was a bit disappointed seeing the fairly small number of creation options, after the box boasted of hundreds of creations. Ofcourse, the game being constanly updated, i can always hope of new neat options.
And a slightly more distubing thing. I suck horribly, wich is a pretty strange thing for me. I'm used to jump in to a game and play the crap out of it in atleast half the time any reviewer said it would take. Ah, maybe i'm getting old. Being seventeen and all.
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