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What matters most in games?

With Fallout: New Vegas just around the corner, I've been hearing more and more talk about how the game will not live up to the hype because the game uses the same graphics engine as Fallout 3. That means there wont be any major upgrade of the graphics. Personally, I don't understand why this should be important in the long run. While I love to look at highly detailed graphics in games (especially on a machine as powerful as a PS3), it just isn't that important to me if the game itself is solid. Story and gameplay should be the front runners of games, because no matter how realistic the graphics may look if the game just isn't entertaining it wont be worth anybody's time. For example, people (myself included) love the original 007 GoldenEye on N64. Look at it today, and the graphics are awful, te characters are pretty much blocks with guns. But, the game was so much fun to play (deathmatch anybody?) that it didn't matter. Same goes for Vice City on PS2. The graphics were okay but there was so much to do in the game and it was so entertaining and well structured you just didn't notice. Graphics are important and can really lend a lot to a game's character (looking at you God of War III), but you can't let a game's graphics determine whether you play it or not. Developers have gotten into a bad habit of relying to heavily on looks instead of on story and simple fun. Remember the old days when developers couldn't rely on graphics and were forced to focus on the game itself (the NES final fantasy games). Next time your playing a game take a step back from the graphics and just ask yourself "Am I having fun?"

Dead Rising 2- Beat Leon at a low level *minor spoilers*

Early on in DR2 you will face off against fellow motocross racer and batsh*t crazy psychopath Leon. He can be a little tricky at low levels but there's an easy way to take him out without exposing yourself to harm. How to- Stock up on whatever firearms you can get your hands on and run up to the sign for the Silver Strip, from there cimb up on the small wooden platform that makes up the sign. Once your there get your gun ready and watch Leon as he circles around the rocks. Once every lap, he will stop to taunt you leaving open to headshots. Put a few rounds in his skull every time he does this and you'll wear him down in no time. Note that while the sign will prevent having to fight off zombies while fighting Leon (they won't be able to climb up after you) every now and then you may see one get smart and get up on the sign. When this happens just use a melee weapon to knock them back down and go back to shooting Leon. If you run out of ammo run away from Leon and up onto the silver strip and look for security officers (they usually have handguns).

Fallout 3- My favorite equipment combo

Whenever I play Fallout 3 I always end up with this combination of equipment no matter how I'm trying to develop my character. I cal it the "Electric Ghoul" set. 1. Armor: Tesla Armor- can be obtained from Enclave soldiers, especially at Raven Rock. But it's fairly easy to find as almost all enclave scouting parties have one soldier wearing it. Boosts Energy Weapons and has solid defensive boost. 2. Headgear: Enclave Officer Hat- can be obtained from Enclave soldiers, and is easy to find because almost every enclave scouting party has an officer. Look for the enclave enemies that aren't wearing power armor. 3. Face: Ghoul Mask- given to you by the ghoul Roy Phillips during the Tenpenny Tower mission, depending on your choices. Completely stops all ghoul attacks, even by glowing ones and reavers. 4. Weapon: Plasma Rifle- Can be gotten from Enclave, Brotherhood, and Outcast soldiers. When repaired well gives a high critical hit boost and good power. If you put a few skill points into energy weapons early on, you should have a solid ability with them by the time you get a hold of all the equipment. The boosts from the armor and hat will make the weapon way more effective and the mask will stop ghouls from attacking you. Not to mention the Tesla armor is pretty hardy and doesnt call for a whole lot of repairs.

10 Games we will see before Gran Turismo 5

It looks like GT5 is now set to come out on November 2, but who's to say it won't be delayed again? In the meantime, enjoy these upcoming games: 1. Kingdom Hearts 3 2. Super Duper Scribblenauts 3. Pokemon Brown 4. Call of Duty: Cold War 5. Medal of Honor: GOTY Edition 6. Gran Turismo 6 7. Fallout: Alabama 8. Grand Theft Auto: Scranton 9. Sim Dry Cleaner 10. Professor Layton and the Disappearing Electric Bill