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Forelli Factor rants about VTech

So, kid shoots up school, video games and America's plentiful and easy-to-acquire firearms are quickly lined up in the crosshairs of the blame gun. People want to blame parents for the negligence. But would it really be the games or even the parents that made this guy who he was? He was 23 years old. A 23-year-old college bound man with a sibling in Princeton should already be able to tell the difference between right and wrong, and he would have to be pretty messed up even to be affected by video games in the first place. Who do I think is to blame for this tragedy? I have a simple answer:


You, of course, are divided into three different groups.

First group are those in Mr. Cho's vicinity of "help." You didn't need to remember Columbine to know that Mr. Cho was a ticking time bomb. He was a loner. Wrote and thought violent things, even more so than I used to. Stalked people. Lucinda Roy read the signs and she tried to warn people, bless her soul. Hell, the guy had two roommates who could have read him like a book, not counting EVERYONE ELSE IN THAT COLLEGE. He was referred to counseling, but apparently if they tried to help him more they'd probably be subjecting him to the Clockwork Orange. Even if this guy was abused or neglected by his now-deathly-silent parents, it wasn't as if there wasn't anything you people could do about it.

Now you whine that there wasn't a good enough support system in place? Obviously not, you just never got out of their seats to help.

Second group is America in general. You had 8 years since Columbine to try to stop this. Only months since the violence hit Amish America. Instead you just went for the guns and video games instead of trying to save the sinner. Anybody up for Bowling? Now look what happened. It's like Vietnam. Instead of taking losing like men, you just decided to be "men" and drown your losery in in the material excesses of the disco-late-'70s and the 80s to help you forget. (Granted, the 1980s were the greatest decade EVER! but still.) You were lucky that Soviet Russia collapsed under American economic might and a botched yet now somewhat familiar invasion of Afghanistan.

Third group, of course, is the world. And no, I'm not going to stoop so low as to point at South Korea for birthing the man who would perpetrate this atrocity, that's racist and I don't discriminate when I hate on people except during the console wars. But you're probably going to stand there and say "that sort of thing was bound to happen in gun-crazed savage America" and probably think (Canadians and Europeans in particular) that it couldn't possibly happen elsewhere where there are far fewer guns and no death penalty. Except for maybe in Russia, but that's already east of the Iron Curtain.

Well guess what, it did in Germany in 2002. And as a testament to Europeans' belief that everybody should be free to live their lives, Brigitte Monhaupt, a remorseless and unapologetic member of the Red Army Faction (notorious commie terror group from the 70s) was recently released because apparently people like her deserve a second chance at life as they are. The key words, of course, are remorseless and unapologetic.

Now you're probably going to do what you do again, because the demagogues will play off your emotions to do whatever they want with you. Take away the guns and the violent media, you solve the problem by denying the poor victim his tools for destruction, right? You'll epitomize the "heroes," build a memorial, but in a few years it'll be another fad in the line of pop-tragedy epitomized by all the bad news taking precedence over hope on TV channels and conspiracy theory networks (mine included.)

I mean, I'm reading gamers' very emotional reactions to Thumpson's statements on FNC and the things they want to do to him are plenty savage enough to vindicate him. I'll bet he reads gamer reactions against him just to give him his morning confidence. Works better than Starbucks.

I hope that I wake up tomorrow morning to find that the increasing fanaticism stirred by emotion was but a bad 20-year-long nightmare and that I have just come out of a persistent vegetative state into a world where intelligence and console balances reign supreme.

Otherwise, may whatever deities or scientific minds we worship help us all.