For the record under law, saying something works, providing zero explaination how they got it to work, is making a false claim Why do people make the claim that people have tried to help me (when none was given) and then complaining that I didn't take the help that was never offered? And say i am not listening?
I have been at this for going on a little over 9 hours now. And all I get is the same line of BS from teh same people,over and over.
So far not one of you has biothered to help me (You can thinnk you have but you really have not) if people really wanted to help then go back and count the number of times i have asked how you use either of the 2 programs mentioned, to map the buttons to the controller using either of them?
All people keep saying is either
"It works"
You need to map the buttons
I know I need to use a program and I know the buttons need to be mapped.
So why do people keep telling me to do something i already know?
What gets me is how many of you totally ignored the fact of me asking how to you map teh buttons to the controller using the program?
Until these buttons get mapped the controller is useless, And until someoen goes through and explains teh exact process on how to go abouot mapping the buttons using the program, Then I not only have a dead controller that cannot be used, but i also have 2 programs that obviously can't be used to do what people said they can do, but on top of all that, I still have people that are at this point blatenet liars about using something that cannnot be used.
If you people are claiming you used the 360 controller on the PC then that means You people somehow were able to map the buttons using the program. So the issue here is why can't someone explain how to me the way tehy used the program in order to get teh buttons mapped so that they can use the controller on the PC?
No explainations on how to use a program that is being recommended or needed means that the people who can't explain how to usee the program to map the buttons to teh controller, have never used the 360 controller on the PC themselves.
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