I just finished Twilight Princess today, and it was AWESOME. I had more fun with this game than with OoT. Yeah, I said it. If you wanna see what my thoughts are of this game, go see my review.
I'm also playing Phantom Hourglass, and afterwards will start up on Spirit Tracks again. I'm planning to get Wind Waker another time, too.
Dang it, can't find anything else to write in this thing. Um... releases to look at, I guess.(Not all of them have to be soon.)
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep-(PSP) September 7. The prequel to the entire series.
Infamous 2-(PS3) 2011. Cole looks... different.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword-(Wii) 2011. Yes, another Zelda game. This is the Zelda Wii everyone was talking about before E3, and this is the official name. It has graphics that are sort of a mix of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Yay for another new thing- seriously, look at what Wind Waker came to. A 9.3 on gamespot. I expect this to be good too.
Twisted Metal-(PS3) 2011. Another Twisted Metal. Another 2011 release.
Kid Icarus: Uprising-(3DS) Late 2010-Early 2011. FINALLLYYYY!!!
Animal Crossing 3DS-(3DS)Late 2010-Early 2011. The fourth Animal Crossing in America. Like the sixth or something for Japan.
Ocarina of Time 3D-(3DS)Late 2010-Early 2011. Yeah, it's being remade in 3333333DDDDDD
Note: The reason all the 3DS games are Late 2010-Early 2011 is because that's around the time that the 3DS itself will come.
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