About my 14 year old sister
by Fourarms10 on Comments
I always have to take out the trash. The bathroom trash:(, my room trash, and the kitchen trash. My sister (14) never tells my other sister (15 almost 16) to throw away the trash just because she started driving, and she would beat her up. I've been doing it for the past 5 months:cry:. The last time my 15 year old sister threw away the trrash was over 365 days ago:o. I can't wait till my older sisters leave:D. My 14 year old sister always tells me and my brother to wash half of the plates while my 15 year old sis goes on the computer, watches TV, or plays the PS2:evil:. And if she catches us sleeping in the living room she slaps us hards saying "GO SLEEP IN YOUR ROOM"!:roll: When it's the 15 year old she just taps on her saying "can you go sleep in your room?" She is also rude too. Everytime me or my brother don't do something and we're in our room she just opens the door without knocking saying "GO CLEAN THIS UP!:x" then she said "All boys are lazy:roll:." My brother told her. "Why don't you ask all the boys living on Earth right now.:lol:" Then she said Well it looks like it because of ya'll.:lol: