I've never played Dark Souls 2, but I did play Dark Souls. A lot of the points that he makes in this review were the same negatives I felt about the first one. At most I would give Dark Souls a 7.5/10.
In many ways it was an amazing game and other ways it was quite bland and tedious. The argument that this game is intended to be hard and not hold your hand is fair but misguided at times. Ninja Gaiden is a difficult game that pulls no punches with its enemies. If you let your guard down you will die fast. But everything in that game felt polished and there wasn't a confusion about what things do or why I'm doing them. The interface in Dark Souls could have used work as well.
Overall though the series is unique, rewarding, and I can see why someone would love it. For me it comes off somewhere in the middle.
I really wish Gamespot would go back to the point review system. The game gets overhauled, is supposedly better than the earlier version and yet scores an 8, lower than the original. Did Gamespot forget how percentages/decimals work?
@toddx77 Considering these companies repackage their consoles in cheaper and better versions anyway, I feel no need to buy a console immediately either.
@SiLenTWarrior29 Why would you be considering the 2DS? I think a better question would be, "Would you buy a 5 year old a Vita vs the 2DS if you were going to buy them a handheld system?" Not saying it is right for a 5 year old to play handheld games, but given the choice which one would you think would be more appropriate?
Can I buy a new machine gun for $40? If so then sign me up, that is what I want! I want $40 digital machine guns! THAT IS WHAT I WANT! I WANT TO PAY $40 FOR A DIGITAL MACHINE GUN!
@Zoza24 Yeah, are you going to buy NBA2K14? That is the reason to buy the system. Oh that and the once in a lifetime game Call of Duty. There is that Mario clone as well called Plank ( or whatever). Awesome lineup of the PS4 this holiday season...
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