To BryanParksSuper, You are an idiot. I have only played a few games online a bit (not a ton), never EVER EVER gave any info away. I have never done a "pirate site" or any modding, or any fishy "buy a million billion microsoft points" things. I have just purchased from microsoft directly. I had my gamertag hacked. They stole 75.00 out of my account. Another person I work with had his hacked, stole 200+ dollars out of his account. Why couldn't microsoft just require your 3 digit number off the back of the card to make it so that if someone does use your account (Steal it) they get screwed because they would need to re-type that info. It would make a step for the user downloading, but save people what seems to be thousands, if not millions of dollars.
This actually kinda proves more people should purchase games used. I mean the developers are Expecting it now, so the people that buy the new ones get screwed the most. So, support the dev, the dev screws you, you get mad, you buy used. In all honesty, GameStop is actually probably making MORE money now. Because people can buy more games if used prices drop. They still have the same $30 markup they would if the game came with the online pass, or all the features, they just give less and charge less for it. They don't have any problem keeping games in stock in my area, so people know what their value of the game is.
@sonoranreptile So, you are saying that because the Game Boy ADVANCE had GameBoy in it's name it's the same system as the first GameBoy? Same goes for Playstation. Playstation 2, and now Playstation 3. These editors are seriously just showing how ignorant you can be in the game industry media.
After picking one up, I would like to say.... Nintendo has soooo much more they are going to be able to do with this now, introducing that shop channel. It is set up SOOOO much like the Wii's, and I think this is the best part of DSi. DSi Ware isn't my fancy, but I know at E3 there will be an announcement of Virtual Console GB/GBA games, and yes, it will be easy to update. It's soooo easily noticeable, and Nintendo already has experience with updates. That will make this from a "meh" product to a "must buy" for me and my friends. But overall, enjoying it (:
Yes, Redonkulous_D is correct! In fact, they mentioned how time strapped they were and that they rushed it out first, then it was shown off, and people being honest at nintendo said they would not buy the first one. This one is better IMO, and I don't even remember the last time I turned on my DS to fire up a GBA game. (:
FoxMcCloudDS's comments