The United Kingdom is Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England. (Today this does not include the Republic of Ireland). Note that this is defined as a Kingdom and not as a country.
England is the country. This does not include Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. The name originating from anglo-saxon heritage. You will not find Welshman or Scots ever refer to themselves as Englishman. (Though they may be defined as British).
Great Britain is the geographical landmass of England, Wales and Scotland (Ireland - Eire is a seperate island). This is named just as Europe is the continental landmass which is made up of several nations/countries. I believe this may be named based on the Briton people (I can't define clearly. but I think it goes back past the time of the Romans).
I'm from Australia, sheesh, Haven't any of you watched Braveheart or Michal Collins? :shock:
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