Greetings from the netherbowels of the cyberverse!
I'm annoyed. I mean really, really annoyed. I think it's high time to put the official kibosh on my new least favorite term online or anywhere else, for that matter. Of course I can mean only the most obnoxious word ever to slither up the pipes and into the mainstream - "n00b".
Seriously... Is there anything worse than some kid who can't even shave yet calling you a n00b while you're trying to enjoy your old age, drinking beer and playing video games? I overheard my 10 year-old stepson last night calling someone a n00b while he was playing Gears of War on MY 360 with MY gamertag. I wasted no time whatsoever walking right up to him and slapping him in the back of the head hard enough for the headset to fly off. More parents should do the same. For isn't it generally the case that someone who utilizes that already over-utilized term is, in fact, a complete and utter ignorant n00b themselves?
I henceforth declare this day n00b Reversal Day. On this day every year, whenever someone calls you a n00b, you should throw a suitable response back to him or her in the same spirit with which his or her comment was originally intended. Say something appropriate like, "Nana nana poo poo." or "Your mom". That'll show them.
Perhaps I'm just getting a bit long in the tooth and completely irrelevant, but 13375p34k was fine when it was an ubercool underground language for hax0rz and such. But like everything else in American culture, once snotty suburbanite children pick up a particular slang, it immediately ceases to be quirky and endearing. It instead morphs into the most grating, sanity-leeching drivel imaginable. So I have only these final words for all you "n00b" over users. "I'm rubber, you're glue..."
End rant
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