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Console war

alright this is my 2c to all those who wich for 1 console to win the war

Sony: Need competition bad, they have been slacking off during the last generation ( having over 70% of the console market on your side helps)

Nintendo: need to come down from is Stuck up apple snobish attitude ( like they snobs cd and dvd back then), open the door to more third party studio( get those publishin fees down fool)

MS: i hope they never win, the goal of MS with the video gaming is the same as with the pc, make a console that will last a short amount of time so people can buy a new one more often or new pieces, software update etc ( a patern like Windows ). all in all, having 3 players in the arena is a win win for US gamers.

and pls do no fool yourselves. PC is a powerhouse of gaming in specific field ( FPS , RTS and MMO )

when are mouse and keyboard gaming coming out?


if like me you are tired of always trying to REMOVE this malware/spyware. all you have to do is set your firewall to BLOCK ALL ACCESS to all starforce application and driver , sure it didnt remove it but at least it block all form of intrusion from this garbage\


well this is just a small entry about this little program that i have been using since its release and suggest that everyone takes a quick look at it ( if you dont know about it) and if you ever get this little program here is my contact for it

look under nickname and search for franksoul

New generation of MMO

    2006 will see the evolution of MMO genre. Webzen will bring 2 new mmo this year ( if things go well) Huxley and SUN ( soul of the ultimate nation).

Huxley will be a FPS MMO, using the unreal 3 engine. one of the best graphic engine available. one of the nice feature about it is the massive guild support anounce, that will bring about the creation of truly massive guild and maybe a good war between them. also the pve content and pvp content seems to be related in many way and will affect both of them in a positive way. The guild recognition from your faction is a bright idea and also from the looks of it the guild halls will have a important role. getting your baner and name flaged and shown around the virtual world is appealing. But to me the best feature of this game will be the fact that gear will not be the decisive factor in a fight !!! finaly skill and tactic will truly be the prime factor. more then ever the medic will be your friend.

SUN Soul fo the ultimate nation.

not much is know about this one. other then its a mmorpg. the feature that is unique is the self controled instance zone. from the looks of it it is a bright idea and different from all the other. the ability to customize a battle and mission to suit your need and challenge rating is insane. also this remove the farming market for specific item in a way( there are no sure way of removing such market). imagine being able to truly create that hard or random challenge that will actualy require the skill of the different class you have in your team ( since you customize the battle) . we only need to wait for more information on this project and how it will work.