I want to be really honest here. I've been extremely lazy for the past couple of weeks, I've missed several deadlines at college, I haven't done any overtime at work for a while and I just feel really clueless all the time. Mabye its just me but very often I always seem to have this grudge against the rest of the world.
I don't know if you have ever had anyone say the term 'The World doesn't revolve around you you know' to you but I just can't stand it when that term gets refered to me. I'm not an attention seeker and although I think my life is often s**t I am aware that pretty much every other human being has the same going for them. So I ask anyone and everyone that is reading this blog the next time you go out and you think you have had the worst day ever just think how it could have been even more worse than it already was.
You might have got run over by a car and left permanentely disabled for the rest of your life. You might have tripped over in a puddle in front of a crowded bus stop IN FRONT of a crowded bus full of ticked off commuters.
I'm not really important compared to the rest of the worldso why complain about my own problems?
On a slightly positive note If all goes well I should definetly be getting a 360 next Friday along with at least one game to boot up. I'm also planning to download Sonic 1 and 2 via XBL Arcade assuming I manage to hook my network up without any problems. I've been thinking a while about whether to get a PS3 or 360 and when it comes to choice of games its kinda hard for me to decide.
For some weird reason I suddenly got this amazing feeling when I unlocked my first ever achievement in Gears Of War on Windows (one of my many Chrimbo presents) and after discovering that all Xbox 360 games support achievements I was pretty ecstatic! I think replay value is always important to any game and achievments just puts that incentive into wanting to play it more.
Oh yeah can someone also give me some help on putting my Gamertag on my profile homepage? I'm trying to follow the steps on Xbox.com but it keeps coming back with bad request for some reason. Pretty random and weird blog I know but I just wanted to write something long anyway.
I hope that everyone had a great time over Chrimbo/New Year drinking, socialising, partying, orgy-ing etc but remember to start working hard again especially if you are in college like me! Later