As an Avatar fan, there exists three things(besides being cancelled and writers fired) I fear the most for my beloved show that make my blood run cold. Who will read this? I don't really care and don't expect many to, but I need to get this off my chest. And my anxiety is partly caused by people in the forum. Yes, I blame you, read the reasons listed below.
1. Character deaths. Al right, everyone in the Avatar forum (which has fallen from its original glory) is yelling left and right of about a "character dying" in the Aang Gang. Now, normally I would disregard this but thanks to the recent leakage of spoilers I can't help but think "what if." Someone, who first spread the death rumor, described it as "the Aang Gang will never be the same again." It could be Appa, but this season's dark turn and dramatic themes are making me uneasy. I'm not sure Avatar being a kid's show and television taboos will protect a Gaang-member. People are convinced someone beloved will die and are panicking. Being a worry-wart myself I get caught up in a needless river of worry that only wastes energy. I'm half-torn between being irritated at panicking fans and worried myself.
2. A fourth season. Avatar was made for one grand plot, and ONE GRAND PLOT ONLY. I feel that a fourth season would be milking Avatar for all it is worth, inevitably becoming Nick's next "Spongebob." I worry writers would grow tired with the show and move on, and their replacements won't keep up with past standards. Or the writers will be forced to stay and the quality in episodes will decrease. There is also the chance Avatar will be cancelled before it finishes its new storyline, leaving the audience as devastated as Star Trekkies.
3. SPOILER LEAKAGE. I swear, will humanity never LEARN? What's the point in watching new episodes if you already know what's going to happen? Sometimes no one forewarns ya about spoilers, and you find out information you DID NOT WANT TO KNOW. Or how about this, there IS a forewarning yet unfortunately while you avoid the spoilers someone else doesn't and let's it slip to you, the ignorantly blissful person. And most of the spoilers we've gotten lately are hacked illegally. There's probably someone at Nick now who's lost their job over this because some hoo-ha couldn't keep his pants on. I've learned my lesson concerning spoilers the hard way, believe me when I say it's an experience you do well to wish you never endure.
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