Change the PSU to a better brand, Corsair, Antec, Thermaltech
you skimped majorly on the PSU pick the one i linked you that one you have is not gonna handle your rig its rebadged 450 PSU, you will have random power offs possible graphical glitches and jsut plain instability heres a review on it http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/Coolmax-CUL-750B-750-W-Power-Supply-Review/977/1they had 2 units burn out at 500 watts and never got to its rated power of 750 watts they couldnt get them to turn back on after they powered down eitherFreakyDeacky2
Would this be appropriate?
Antec EarthWatts EA750 750W Continuous Power ATX12V version 2.3 SLI Certified CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC "compatible with Core i7/Core i5" Power Supply
I'm trying to cut costs where I can, so I already brought the ram down to 4gb and I'm hoping to keep the psu sub 100. Please bear with me; I know basically nothing about PSU related things so this is where I'm weakest in regards to this (my first) build. I don't plan on OCing anytime soon so I think I can get away with 650 watts but I would like the overhead of a 750 :P
Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate the time :)
thatll work its ok but just barely id get one of these if you could some how manage it http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139021&cm_re=corsair_750-_-17-139-021-_-Productbut if you cant that other psu is alot better the one you hadbefore it ( i dont think it would have lasted a couple minutes beyond you pressing that power button :D )
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