FredGoon / Member

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All I need now is Link's Tunic!

I have been told to be quite boring, I don't have much hobbys apart from playing games, watching TV, Reading Books and writing thats pretty much it. So my parents want me to learn how to play a musical instrument, while they were telling me this I was playing The Ocarina of Time. So I turned round and said, I want to learn how to play an Ocarina, and they said yes! They'll put some money towards it, I just need to come up with 3/4 of it, so I need to come up with most of it but i'm actully pretty exited.

I never knew there were so many variations of the Ocarina, theres Multi Chambred Ocarina, Inline, Pendant and the one I want to get Tranverse. (Sweet Potatoe.) They all are diffrent to, but I have ofcourse decided to get the same one thats in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and actully I will, heres a picture.

Just look at it, it's so shiny! And it's got a little TriForce symbol on it and best of all it's blue, the same colour as the one from the game. I am having trouble aqquiring it though because it's not on Amazon UK but it is on Ebay, but I don't really like Ebay that much, but it is pretty cheap at a cost of £20.00. However it will be used, and sombody else's mouth must have been on it so i'd clean it. It also comes with an official Zelda Songbook and I'll beable to learn how to play the Song of Time, Zelda's Lullaby, Market Song, Epona's Song, Saria's Song, Minuet of the Forest, Serenade of Water and Bolero of Fire.

And it gets better, most musical instruments take a very long time to learn one song, well alot of sites claim the Ocarina to be an easy instument to master, it may take about 3 months but I'm willing to put in the effort. The one I will buy has 6 or 8 holes, I'm not too sure, so it shouldn't be that hard. I already have £5.00 and I'm giving back 3 games this weekend, Oblivion, God of war and Mortal Kombat Advance. And to get the most money I'm willing to give away my trusty GBA, but as I'm getting a DS for Xmas I'll just use my sisters GBA to play my games if I want to. I'll probbaly get a choice of £40.00 store credit or £20.00 cash, I'm willing to give up that extra £20.00 just to get this magnificant instrument.

So when I get it and actully get good I'm going to buy a webcam and film myself playing, that way we can all share the loverly songs I produce,. there is this one guy on You Tube who is absoltly wonderfull and he makes me want to get it even more, here are some links to his songs he has played. Lulaby Saria's Song

Now you gotta admit he is good! Well watching him makes me want to get it soooo badly, I'll tell you how it goes in the following days. In much smaller news My Mom got me and my sis Mario and Sonic At the olimpies (Very Boring cannot even be bothred to spell it right)

Well I hope you think I'm doing a good thing, seya real soon!