FredGoon / Member

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Another Marvel game given a pretty bad score

Iron Man, was today given, 5.5 by Gamespot. I am for once not going to badmouth Gamespot about this score since I haven't played the game either, but I am still deeply disapointed as Marvel Games are not really doing well with critics now. Most of the games they produced are given below average scores, infact some of them got cancled! (DareDevil) There is a new Marvel game coming out called The incredable Hulk, I hope this can make them well known again for producing good games. I on the otherhand am going to get all of there games since I'm a big Marvel fan anyway, heck I even own Spiderman 3 Collectors edition and that shows somthing. Well anyway apart from that Angel Season 5 arrived but I'll tell you more in my next video blog.

Well give your thoughts on Marvel Games, do you like em hate em or whatever, seya!