FredGoon / Member

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Collge Open evening and Half Term.

Hiya everybody, I would first of like to tell you about Wednesday Night at Steveange collge open evening. Well first of it was kinda daunting, I walked in and all around me where people walking around quickly and the area was soooo big, I almost fell over backwards :P. I went over to the desk and this guy gave me a leaflet and leaded me towards the Child Development area, when i went in i got given loads of leaflets about courses and lesson's and so forth, it is all rather confusing. Then I went over to the English department, well actully it took me about 30 minites to find the English department because i got lost :lol. Ya see I'm quite shy and I got asked by the collge staff lots of times are you all right and i respond yea I'm fine instead of saying no i'm lost. It's the way I am lol, then i got given a load of English letters but i don't think its for me, I love writing storys but this collge only does Shakesphere whitch I ditest! Then I got lost again then found my way to the math department, well actully I stumbled into a classroom on Buissness Stuides, that was very embarassing! When i got to maths i found out they only do A lvl's and I am predicted a E in Maths so not for me thanks. Then I just waited for my mom to come pick me up and headed home. The courses I am going to do is a course on Child Development on Foundation leval to start off with, then build my way up into higher. I also want to do a Diploma in childcare which i will enter at middle leval and then go into higher. Then i will mabey do Health and Social care, I did think about doing a hairdressing course but I think I'll give it a miss due to my clumsyness :P. Well enough about collge, now I'm off school for a whole week because its half term "Dances". I'm gonna play Oblivian till my hands bleed and hopefully get near completeing Assassains Creed and a few more PS2 games, I also have some money to spend and i think I'll buy the Oblivian Guidebook. I need it to cure my Vampire problem, as each day passes i become more like a creature of the night and i must find a solution quickly or otherwise I'll be on a stake!

Well Seya real soon!