FredGoon / Member

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Exams = Money!

Hi, sorry for not being here for an entire week but I have been busy with school work and so forth, well anywho I got my final school report and it had all my moch results on it and my highest was a B for English. My Dad said that for every C that I got I would get £10.00, every B £20.00 and ever A £30.00. In total I got One B, 2 C's and a whole lot of D's so thats £30.00 for me to enjoy, but here is the problem. I have reccently gotten into Angel and I only have Season 1, I could get Season 2 and season 3 whitch is 44 40 minite episodes with a whole load of extras for £30.00 on Amazon. Or I could go and get a PS3 game tommrow such as Oblivian, Marvel ultimate Allience, Ninja Gadien Sigma, untold dark legends. Or i could go get a Wii game like Umbrella Chronicles, Endless ocean or Twlight Princess. I could save up for 2 weeks and get The Orange Box or Call of Duty 4. I could set aside a fund for MGS4 or Super Smash brothers or what the heck I could buy more monkeys! I just have alot of options to choose from, I think I'll either go for the MGS4 Fund, Angel or PS3 game tommrow, I'll let you in on what i choose later but for now you tell me what I should get.