Its quite lucky how we got theese two games actully, my dad and mom went shopping and got some money out of the bank, they both asked for £200 to change it into dollers for when we go on holiday. After they got it and they checked the money the lady had given us £600 instead, so they changed the £400 into dollors and they kept the £200, but when we went home and cecked the bank account it said we only checked out £400 so the extra £200 was like the banks own money. So me and my sister got £30.00 each so she bought Mario Party 8 for the Wii which is actully quite fun but I havent got to play it much yet, I bough Mortal Kombat: Ammergedon and boy is it qwarktastic! Everybody is giveing this cruddy reviews but because its too much like its one of its other ones, but It beat the PS2 version which got a 7.0 and this one got a 7.5. I really like this game because its got good old fighting with up to 60+ characters to choose from. Storymode and some wacy racing mode that is better than it sounds. Plus you can create your own fighter, my first one is this Ninja dragon and I named him Fox. I just really want to play this game again and I'm looking forward to it, seya next time!
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