Well as everybody else (IGN, Gamespot, Gametrailers and Nintendo Offical Magazine) have done or are in the process of doing there game awards I'd thought I'd do mine now instead of waiting for the end of December, wellhere it goes.
Most enjoyed family game of 2008
- Wii Sports
- Wii Fit
- Mario Kart Wii
- 42 All-Time ****cs
- The Darkness? (Couldnt think of anything else :P)
And the winner is Mario Kart Wii!
Mario Kart of any kind is the only game my dad, mum, sister and me all enjoy playing toegther and this time it was no diffrent.We spent hours and hours and hours and tens of more hours playing it toegther. Its slowed down abit now but hopefully it willcome back!
Most Anicipated game of 2008
- Secret Agent Clank
- Little Big Planet
- Mirrors Edge
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patroits
- Mario Kart Wii
The winner is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patroits!
Well I dont think that is a suprise to anybody and I had to actully think hard about other games i got exited about. But yes I have been really looking forward to MGS4 this year, and last year......and the year before that lolz. And it happily develived and is one of my favorite games ever.
Most played game of 2008
- Metal Gear Online
- Mario Kart Wii
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- Rathet and Clank: toolsof Destruction
- flOW....
The winner is The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion!
Some may think of this as unfair as I dont have that game I have Game of the year edition but I wont count my time in Shivring Isle (Which was about 9 hours ish) But that still dosnt even phase my time spent on it above all others. Infact even if you halfed it again and again it wouldnt even come close to losing this award. I must have spent over all of my profiles 350 Hours + on this game, and still growing by the day. In second was MGO which only had about 60 ish, so yea Oblivion wins!
Best buy of 2008
- Conkers Bad Fur Day
- Mario Kart Wii
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patroits
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- DS Lite
Now this is a tough one, I actully sat and tried to think what I felt as I played it for the first time and what was going through my head, also wieghing in cost and how much i wanted it. To win it isn't how much i enjoyed the game all the way through to the end or how much of a good game it is, but meerly how I felt as I finnaly popped it in for the 1st time and played it for the 1st time. The winner my friends is........................... Conkers Bad Fur Day!
Surprised? Well I thought I would be, but I am not,I mean how does this game compete with a game I have waited for since 2005 (MGS4) or a game which I got addicted to? (Oblivion) Well I can't explain the feeling that went through me as It came in the post, I had been waiting for this game since before I started my N64 Mission, even if i want on the mission to get every single one I would still have got it. I was just so happy, when i first played it I couldnt stop smiling, it was just such a experaince, so hurrah for Conker!
Worst buy of 2008
- God of War
- Limted Edition Zelda Game Boy SP
- Turok (PS3)
- Secret Agent Clank
- MySims (DS)
The Winner Is MySims for the DS
Well most of the games I bought in 2008 I enjoyed, the only other 2 games I can think of adding to that list is Timeshift and Elecktro Plankton since i dont count N64 games since even though some of them are bad I was still happy to buy them because of my mission. SecretAgent Clank was on there not because of the game itself, its because of the PSp and that I hate it and I never play it cos its much to hard to control. But yea MySims DS is just utter rubbish! Truth be told i haven't given it that much of a chance, but comon wheres all that fancy building stuff! No all you do is that stupid social minigames, just utter rubbish.
Console of 2008
- DS Lite
- N64
- Nintendo Wii
- PS3
- PSP...
It was a close call between the N64 and PS3 but the Winner is the Playstaion 3!
Well this has been my 1st year with the console, and I originally onky got it for MGS4 and RAC but I got into many new games such as Oblivion, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Heveanly Sword and The Darkness just to name a few. It truely has been a good year for the PS3, and this xmas my only game presants wil be PS3 games so its gonna get better. Now what we have all been waiting for...
GAME OF 2008!
- Mario Kart Wii
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patroits
- Conkers Bad Fur Day
- Metal Gear Online
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Now this was a tough one, just to make it easier for heres this. In 5th Place came Metal Gear Online, in 4th Place came Conkers Bad Fur Day, in3rd place came Mario Kart Wii. And now, in 2nd place for Game of 2008 is...........Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patroits! Making The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion FredGoon's Game of 2008
This was just a tough tough TOUGH choice to make, I mean in a way I know that I like MGS4 more, and next year if nothing more comes out it will be my Game of 2009 but thats not what a game of the year is. I belive a game of a year should be a game which you spend most time playing, get addicted to in some point in the year and just love it to bits. Now Oblivion ticks all those box's, if you dont understand let me go further.
Now Oblivion is not a better game than MGS4, if I was to chose what game should be destroyed or not it will be Oblivion gets destroyed and MGS4 dosnt. But thats because I love each game diffrently ina diffrent way. Eventully I will Get bored of Oblivion, and put it aside for mabey a couple of months or never again, but with MGS4 I will never get bored of it, Never! I mean just look at MGS1, i still play that regulaly and I enjoy that more than Oblivion. But for 2008 I enjoyed Oblivion alot more, more than I enjoyed MGS4. This boils down to the fact that I wasn't expecting what Oblivion trew at me, it was a tottaly random buy, while I was fully prepared for MGS4, and watched a couple of leaked cutscnes before MGS4's release. So thats why MGS4 is my Game of 2008!
Goals of 2008
- Obtain a Nintendo Wii
- Obtain an iPod
- Have a more Nintendo Orianted Year
- Obtain a new phone
- Pass my childcare course
- Learn to drive?
- Have lots of MGS Marathons
- Have fun!
Final Farewells
It has been a good couple of years, I joined Agust the 6th 2006 and i offical quit on the 23rd of December. I will still vist gamespot occasionally reading up on what happens to all my friends but that is it, i shall be not posting any new blogs, commenting on anybody elses or going to any unions. as of now I resign from my unions, I hope they contuine to grow. I will only post blogs to update any contact infomation, so when i get a new Wii expect a new number. You can however contact me on my PSN - Hizang or my Myspace - Sir William.
Seya Guys!!! Have a Merry Christmas and a happy life!!!
Gamespot, It's been Qwarktastic! 2006-2008