I am here to say that well,I will be leaving Gamespot on the 31st of December 2008 after I post up my 2008 awards. Quite frankly if it wasn't for those, I would leave right now.
Well my reasons for leaving Gamespot are not what you think, it isnt because I dont like gamespot or I am moving to another site because I think its better. The reason is quite simply I have lost intrest in internet gaming communitys sites such as Gamespot and Giant Bomb. You see I used to post blogs like every day, but now I seem to just not care anymore. Also at times I have found myself enjoy talking about the games more than actully playing the games themselves, which to me just seems wrong so thats one reason.
The Second reason is I find myself less intrested in "games" now, which is somthing i would never hear myself say. The big fault behind this is MGS4, and suprising enough it all started with MGS2. You see before Gamespot I knew nothing about the gaming world, all i knew was that they were fun and you could by them in games shops. Heck after xmas 2000 I belive I went into a game shop and asked is MGS2 out yet! I actully didnt care about any of these release dates of things or anything about the developers or these internet forums or anything, I just enjoyed playing games.
When MGS3 was released I hungered for more, before this the onkly series of games I had been into were Spyro and Crash, and I didnt really care when the next one was out I just got it when it did. I didnt care when the next game of a series was out It just didnt phase me if a game I liked got a 1 year delay, not that i would know anyway. But after MGS2's cliffhangerish ending I really wanted to know when the next one would be out, so I typed in MGS2, the site that came up was Gamespot.
As soon as I came on I was amazed by all peoples comments on the games and the reviews it got (Heck I didnt even know games got reviews!) I didnt join starting away, i just looked through the rumuors of a MGS4. It was that which got me to join. I then began posting blogs and soon they grew bigger and bigger and bigger untill eventully I was writing my own reviews, making vidoes, joining unions and becoming leaders of the unions! Life was diffrent from then on then, I was obsessed with the gaming media side of things, Infact when a new game came to my possession I would write a blog to say I got it first then readall about it then play it. Then MGS4 arrived, my reason for being on gamespot, which droove alot of my blogs.
After it my blogs started to deteriorate and become less and less, my videos stopped as did my reviews and activity in unions, now I find Gamespot a chore to go on, which is a clear sign of quitting. I also since joining college enjoying more things like going out, hanging with friends, Myspace and reading. I still enjoy games, I still get up at 5:00 to play games for hours and have gaming marathons, but back then that was all i really liked doing, now I have so much more.
As I said I wont leave until my awards, so look forward to then, if you wish to stay in contact I'll put my Myspace page up later, also Hizang is my PSN account.
Well Seya Real Soon! (Triva note, Seya Real Soon has appeared in more than 150 of my blogs)