yesterday morning I ordered off Amazon Heveanely Sword for £22.00, they said it was going to arrive at my house on Tuesday. I am not allowed to play any video games on school days so I would have to wait till Friday to play it, but as i looked through the post this morning I opended up a parcel and inside was Heveanly Sword! Heveanly Sword is a fantastic game and is one of my best PS3 games yet so far, you start the game off as what looks like to be the end of the game if that makes any sense. Your in this massive battlefield with thousands of enemys, and i am not exsagerarting when i say thousands, and when you start killing enemies you kill like 100 every 5 seconds. Then somthing happens to her, the Sword glows and she dies i guess, then before she dies she flash's back to the beggining of her adventure, this is when the game propally starts. The storyline is very good, the game follows the story of Nariko, the fierce red-haired warrior whose clan has long protected the Heavenly Sword, a god's blade of immense power that drains its wielder of their life force. A power hungry ruler known as King Bohan, seeks to obtain the sword to gain its devastating power. Yourclan base gets under attack and Nariko gets seperated by the rest of her clan, she soon mets up with her adopted sister kai, a cat like girl who uses her crossbow as a wepon. then the game finaly begins. Thevillians are to my suprise MGS style villians. Roach is mentallyill and incredably fat. He is very large in stature and his torso resembles a roach's thorax. Then theresWhiptail who wields a whip as her main weapon. She has a love of extreme body modification, as evidenced by her forked tongue, sharp teeth and gill-like cuts on her cheeks. She wears the corpse of an eel atop her head and down her back. She possesses the ability to delve into people's minds. Then theresFlying Fox whois a rather shifty and somewhat eccentric character, who is capable of appearing in a different spot in an instant. He does not seem to have any desire for dominance over the land; he is only in it for the money and the art of the kill. His back is covered with several metallic wings on both sides, and he possesses the ability to levitate. Lastly theres the main villian KingBohan whois a power crazed king, utterly obsessed with getting his hands on the Heavenly Sword. He leads his army in a search to obtain it, attacking Nariko's clan in the process. He believes himself to be a messiah, and believes that capturing the Heavenly Sword will symbolise his dominance over the land. He obeys and worships a raven which has a gold face plate covering its face. The voice acting is very well done and in the cast playing King Bohan is Andy Serkis who does the voice of Golem and played King Kong. The game itself is pretty much like god of war just with better eneimes,I will review this game whenI finish it, which could be later today since people say its really short.
Well seya real soon.