This morning I was playing Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, I managed to obtain the Fire Whip which I never unlocked before and it makes some of the enemies alot easier. When my mom came up with the most in depth guide book ever to grace my bedroom, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion official game guide! I cannot express how helpfull this guide is, it has in total 432 colour pages, detailed maps for every part of the world, including citys, dungens, forts, caves, camps ect. Walkthroughs for evey quest including the main quest, faction quests, miscellaneous quests and freeform quests. Detailed beastary to help me get up to scratch with the creatures of Oblivion, sections on varoius gameplay systems including stealth, combat, magic, alchemy and much much more. The guide is just so dang handy, it had a step by step guide on how to create the perfect character so I deleted by cursed old file that was completly ruined by my current situation and started fresh. My new character is pretty much the same as last time, infact the only diffrence is the hair style. He is called Hizang, a Wood Elf, Birth sign is The Thief and my Class is Assassain. I took my time in the dungen this time and managed to find much more hidden tresures with the guide inlcluding over 20 gold coins, with the help of the guide I understood how usefull Alchemy could be and now I love aAlchemy and made it one of my major skills. With Alchemy I can create posions that, I already knew, but what i didnt know was that I can also create varoius poisons! And to make it better I sprinkle some of the poison on my arrows and walah, a poison arrow. When I left the sewers I was yet again amased by the graphics of Oblivion, even though it had been only 2 days since I last played it I couldn't help but stare at the sun beeming down onto the water reflecting off into my eyes. Actully it was the first time I'd been out in the sun for about 2 weeks since I was a vampire so I was extra pleased. After admiring the scenary I went stumbled apon a ruin full of bandits, skelotons rats and to my shock a Necromancer. I was actylly pretty worried because I never came across one before and I heard they were pretty touch, but I was quick witted and before he had a chance to grab his cutlass I grabbed it and striked him down. I took his robes because they look so dang cool, then I left the ruin and headed to Imperal City. (Keep in mind i had been in those ruins for just over an hour) When I got to the city I headed straight to "Divine Elegence" Imperal Citys local clothing shop. I spotted a nice Green shirt and jacket and how much was it, 12 coins! This was a total rip off, i would price it at about 8 coins but 12 coins, what do they think I am a millionare! But I gave in because It was just a dashing suit, besides all I had otherwise was some Assassain robes, green robes, Necromancer robe and the trampy clothes I got since i started the game. The robes are really good but I felt out of place walking in a city wearing robes, and I felt much more like i belonged in that city wearing the suit. Anyway then It was about 8 oclock at night and all the shops were closing, I headed to "The Merchants Inn" and rented a room for the night, it was quite expensive (20 coins) but when i got to the room it was quite spaceoius and I had a completementary meal, thats as far as I got. Tommrow I plan to buy a house, it is 2000 coins and a pretty bad house but it's a good starting point, I'll save up by either going hunting or joining the arena. Well I hope my blogs about Oblivion have inspired you to buy it, because if I was reading it i wouldn't want to miss out, seya later!
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