Yes, I have purchused things online before ofcourse, but that was under my dads or mums name, now I finnaly can buy stuff under my name. So every month £25.00 goes into my account from my Dad, and hopefully about another £45.00 at the beggining of next month cos of work, and my nan is also giving me £45.00 into my account soon to as spending money for me :D. So what did I buy you ask, well the £25.00 went in today and it left today, it didn't stay very long :p, anyway this is what I bought.
Well as you know I hoped to buy a N64 expanion pack, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Lylat Wars, a Rumble Pack and Mario Tennis, well I only bought one of those. Well also sadly my nans money didnt go in in time so I only had £25.00 instead of my hoped £70.00, so Conkers Bad Fur day was defantly of the list. So I was looking and I decided to buy a N64 Expaion Pack (£11.24) Mario Tennis (£9.44) and Glover (£4.89). But just as I was about to buy them I got a messege from Amazon saying that one of the games I was tracking has gone down in price, I was amazed to see that it was Conkers Bad Fur Day. Conkesr bad Fur day was originally £39.00, but sombody put it on Amazon for £21.91 :shock: , so I couldn't pass up the offer and decided to purchuse that. So I didnt have that much money left, but I really wanted to buy an Expansion Pack because I had Donkey Kong 64 and can not play it :evil: but it was to much so I couldn't. Anyway so I couldn't buy Mario Tennis either, and Glover would have just been too much, so I had to go through my whole N64 game list to see if I could find anything cheap. and the best cheap games I could find were F-Zero X, Wave Race 64 and 1080 Snowboarding. In the end I made a choice and went with 1080 Snowboarding, it was the cheapest and looks really good. But it was a tough choice because Wave Race 64 looks good to, I'll make sure to get it next time.
Ok so Conkers Bad Fur Day should arrive in 1-2 days and 1080 Snowboarding should arrive in 2-4 days, so in the meantime I shall keep myself busy by playing Banjo Tooie and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, they should keep me busy, and into the platforming mood. I lack any good racing games on the console to prepare myself for 1080 Snowboarding, well Mario Kart 64 is great, but it is broken and all I have left is Diddy Kong Racing "Shudders" read my review. When I get the other money in a couple of days I will defantly be buying a n64 Expaniosn pack, and