FredGoon / Member

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I've had enough of computers

Ok yesterday my computer's internet packed up, so my parents decided to give the computer to me and they went and bought a whole new one, imagene that! Anyway I am now on the new computer which is actully very good, alot quicker, I can do much more things now which is good. Also thanks to that my PSP and Wii now go online! Yes i already bought the internet channel from the Wii shop channel for 500 points, pretty cheap and tommrow morning i will buy my first VC game, any recomendations (I only have 500 points) The wii internet is good from what i've seen but not sure if Runescape will work, the PSP internet is basicly terrible, Gamespot dosn't work, Runescape dosnt work youtube dosnt work, It can barely manage text and its really slow. But the PSP does have itsuses, I can now go online agaisnt other MGS: Portable ops players and yes I already have, its very fun but i only had time to play 2 games because i got the old computer and am reinstalling everything. (Hence the blog tittle) i didnt win but I will get better. Once I get everything back to normal i'll be less stressed but now I am, pretty stressed. Well now People can send me there wii code thingys and tommrow I'll go on the Wii and try it out proppaly and give you my Wii code :)
