FredGoon / Member

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Missed Me?

Hello and I hope you all had a fantastic xmas because I sure did. Well as you all know I was on hoilday and I thought there was an internet cafe over there, thats why i didnt give my unions to anybody elswe to do meetings. When i got there what did i see, two computetwers one of whitch was broken and it was £1.00 for 20 minites. To make it even worse they were tottaly old, I didnt even get onto Gamespot because of the lag, so I'm sorry to sayI missed a Q Force Meeting, first time ever :( Anyway onto the gifts!

Well my main presant was ofcourse a PS3! The one I got is backwards compatible so it plays PS1 and PS2 games, the bad thing is the memory cards won't fit into the PS3 because the PS3 has internal memory cards. So If I ever wanna play a PS2 game or PS1I have to start the game again. Ok so the games, me and my sister in total got 3 games between us, one is mine one is hers and the other we share. Ok so my game is Assasains Creed and when i put it in i to tell you the truth hated it. the tutotrial was slow and long, but after that I loved it! The game is truelly magnificaint and the graphicsI was completely blown away from. The citys are huge and there is always somthing to do, if you want to get a good PS3 game get this. Ok now the game me and my sister share, its Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, and boy was the wait worth it. From the first leval you are thrown into immediate action as the city of Metropolis is under attack and you must fight your way through hundreds of enemys. The game seems to be easier than the other games whitch is a pity but it dosn't make it any less fun. Now I have played the game i can truelly say that gamespot should have given it an 9.0 or atleast an 8.5. My sisters game was Ratooiee or whatever.

Ok DVD's and CD's. Well I got Spiderman 3 whitch is a fantastic movie andI don't understand why nobody likes it. I also got the Simpsons movie whitch was as funny as I remember it, I also got Fantastic 4: rise of the Silver Surfer. It was the first time i saw it and it is a pretty good movie, very funny lol. Also got Only Fools and Horses season 2 and Simpsons series 10 i belive, both good. CD wiseI got Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Album and Radio SunnyDale (Yet another buffy Soundtrack :P)Pretty good music on there and some that would be perfect for some videosI have planned. (Yes, planned)I got a really nice T-Shirt too its dark green with lines through it, some call it a chav shirt but i really like it. Apart from that I got litle stuff like chocolates ect. I also got £40.00 in cash, £25.00 WHS Vouches and a £10.00 Waterstones voucher.

With all that money I hope to get GoCam! PSP whitch will allow me to do video blogs! Somthing i am really looking forward too, and I hope you like them. With thye money left I hope to get a PS3 game, the GoCam! will cost about £35.00 so i won't be able to afford a really expensive one, but thats ok i may have to settle for either Spiderman 3 or Marvel ultimate allience. Or I am thinking of putting a MGS4 fund aside because it is coming out next year, or mabey I'll get a Wii game who knows!

Wow long blog, I'm off to my unions, Merry Late Xmas!