FredGoon / Member

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My Christmas List, The Final Version

This is my final version of my christmas list, I eventully couldnt decide so i had to do a diffrent kind of chrsitmas list.

Ok well I'll leave the big thing till last, first up are books. I want the Metal Gear Solid Novel, and Spiderman, The Ultimate Guide. Big fan of both of those things (Metal Gear and Spiderman) so that suits me just dandy. Then on DVD's I want Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, Iron Man, The Incredable Hulk, Blade, Ghost Rider and Only Fools and Horses: To Hull and back. So as you can see quite alot of Marvel movies. Now onto the big part of my christmas list, the games!

Well it is a bit diffrent than me just listing what i want in a long line, first of there are 5 games with a star next to them. These are the games that I really want 100%, so they will be the ones on xmas day I'll be opening for sure. Then there are lots of other ones which my parents will pick off, how many they pick depends on the prices. The ones with the stars next to them are Little Big Planet, Mirrors Edge, Dead Space, Far Cry 2 and Spiderman: Web of Shadows. All PS3 and all quite reccent releases, infact Mirrors Edge isnt even out yet!

Ok now here is all the other games which my parents can pick off, they are Folklore, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Iron Man, The Incredable Hulk, Fallout 3, Bioshock, Saints Row 2 and Star Wars: The Force unleashed. there my PS3 ones. And my two DS ones Supermario 64 DS and Trauma Center: Under the Knife. So as you can see I have a big selection of games, suprised that Fallout 3 is not on the list? Well people say if you love Oblivion then you'll love this true, but I for some reason won't want it for xmas. I mean I'd get addicted and play nothing else but it, I would then be ignoring all my other games and my folks will think I don't like any of the other ones. So I'd rather wait untill later to get it, but its on my pick off list so I shant complain if they get it for me. I'd just have to make sure to limit my time on it if I get it :P.

Among all of this there are all my other friends and relatives gifts. I know my nan is getting me storage in the case of 4 big shelfs. Because quite frankly I NEED storage of some kind. I mean i have no more room on my PS3, PS2 and PS1 shelf, mabey enough for one more game but thats it. No more DVD space, infact its overflowing and some of my DVS are in my PSP section. And worst of all there is NO Space for DS games at all! If You check out my Cribs video on Youtube which i posted reccently you shall see that they are on the floor, The Floor! Lolz but those shelfs shall solf all that. My other relatives not sure, probbaly money yay :D.

Well thats m,y list, I can no longer change it as I've given it to my parents and there gonna start buying things, so no longer change it. As you can see no big present, in Christmas of 2006 I got a PSP, 2007 a PS3 and this year nothing! So lots of little stuff for me, oh and btw I forgot to mention there also buying me clothes, but too many to mention :p.

Ok Seya Real Soon!