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My first DS game couldn't be any more weird

Ok so I couldn't wait untill tommrow to post this because it's juust too funny. Ok so well I couldn't wait till tommrow to get a DS game so I went to GAME and traded in two games, I-Ninja and Black for PS2, two games that I do not care much for. I got £10.00 in total which wasn't bad, (£6.00 for Black and £4.00 for I-Ninja) And I was looking through the games and there were only 3 out of the WHOLE collection that I could afford, two of them were crap little princess games, the other was a spinoff to a succsessfull series which I loved. I was thinking about putting the game back and going home, but i really wanted to play a DS game, and I do actully like the main character so i thought to hell with it. I went to the counter, and what did I put on top, none other, than "Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland"

I know your all sitting there gobsmacked, because first off i said I actully like Tingle, which I do, I have only seen him in one game (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) and I have liked him ever since, I can't wait to get my hand on Majora's Mask. And also most people don't even know this game exsists, but i have always known. The game was originally released in japan, it wasn't going to be released anywhere else due to the characters nonpopularity, he was voted one of the worst video game characters of all time! But due to "Popular Demand" it was released in Europe, Amercia hate him too much :P. Anyway onto the game.

The fisrt thing that shocked me was its rating, it's a 12! (T) because of voilence...and sexual scenes. I have not run into these scenes yet but from the game so far it would not suprise me. Some of the game's characters are scadaly dressed, need I say more.

The story is simple, you are a 35 year old bachelor (You choose his name) and you are lounging around your house. You are called by sombody to go west, so you go west and you run into a big lake, then your greeted by the so called "God" Uncle Rupee who ironically has a head shaped like a rupee. He then makes a deal with you, if you can fill his pond with enough rupee's (One million i think) he will grant you acsses to Rupeeland. Where work and study have no meaning and babes are at your feet. However, before you do this you must throw away humanity and become essentailly a minion of the God. He merges a green suit to your body and lots of other pieces, your old name is thrown away and you are herby called, Tingle.

This is where all of the other Zelda games gets a new face, you see Tingle now needs Rupee's to survive, if he dosn't have any, he will die. So in all of the other games everybody thinks he's just in it for the money, well no actully he is doing it to survive. Kinda changes things, no?

The game itself may look like it follows a Zelda route, and thats true to a respect, there are Dungens and at the end is a boss, and inbetween each dungon is a village and thats about it. The game revolves around Rupee's. You are always giving Ruppe's to people in exchange for services, items, infomation, protection and many more things. You even have to pay to get into the shop! But heres the intresting thing, say you want to buy somthing from sombody, you have to set a price. If its to low, they will not give you the item but keep the money anyway, if its just right or higher they'll give you it. So its a very good gameplay style.

The combat is kinda wierd, you just walk into an enemy and a puff of smoke engulfs you and you just wait untill its over, they say you can tap the stylus but it dosn't look like it helps much. And Rupee's are your health so don't spend to many as in battles he can lose quite a bit.

Well Thats all I can say for now, I'm not that far, I'm just passed the 1st dungen. So feel free to leave comments saying I'm mad, but belive you me it is a very good game. If I were to rate it now, easly a 8.5, mabey even a 9. It is better than Minish Cap and Links Awakaning, yea it is! So yea, post away!
