FredGoon / Member

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My Heart Broke

This may sound silly to some people and even though it was never gonna work I still feel real sad. Well for a couple of months I have been going on this site called Teenhut, as soon as I joined I was greeted by a friendly guy called Avacraft. Me and him were good friends but then things started to get a bit more seroius, we would chat for hours about stuff and then he told me he was gay we spent loads of time talking and stuff after that :lol: But then he asked me where I lived and then I told him but he lives in the US and I live in the UK. So nothing was ever gonna happen so all it was gonna be was fun, but that was cool with me cos atleats I can chat with him. Then just now he sent me a PM saying he has a new BF. As soon as I read that my heart shattered into millions of tiny pieces, I felt really sad and this only happend 10 mins ago right now I am sad. I didnt cry or anything I just shed a couple of tears. But I'm stupid and I should have known that he would have found sombody sooner or later, does anybody else have any heartbrakes too?