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My N64 Mission Has Started

For the past month all I could think about was the DS, I've watched a review for almost every DS game ever made, I've been hyping myself up and up but alas, it's no use. As I am not getting paid at work I tried to get a job working at a after school club, but they said no, how could they turn me down, I mean me! I now know that I'm not going to be getting a DS anytime soon, I asked my mom and dad and they said they'll get me it for Christmas. So what do I do now you ask? Well I have decided to finnaly start one of my dreams, I want to own every single Nintendo 64 Game ever created, yea I know, I'm quite mad!

But actully it all kinda makes alot of sense, I get £5.00 a week, (pocket money) and N64 games are actully quite cheap down at one of the game shops I visit. There prices range from £2.00-£12.00, so every week or so I could just go buy a N64 game, or if they run out I'll order them of Amazon. If you may recall my original mission was to get every DS game, but this is far more realistic. In total there are 387 N64 games, with 83 of them being exlusive to Japan and 42 exlusive to North Amercia. So That leaves me with 262 N64 games that I can buy, and I'm going to buy every single one of them.

Right now I have 6 N64 games, Mario Kart, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Mario 64, Starwars: Shadows of the Empire and Super Smash Brothers. I feel quite sad for not getting them back in the day, because the N64 has always been my favorite console, alothough I don't always admit that to my friends it's true. Some of you reading this think why is this my favorite console, I mean it has no online, not much games in compariosn to other consoles and the fact that they take cartridges instead of discs. But, in my opinion the N64 is the best console to play with friends because it has such good multiplayer games like Goldeneye, Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers. It also has some of gamings best games such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, and Perfect Dark. And I actully prefer catridges to discs, I mean this may sound silly but showing off my N64 Cartridges is alot better than showing off some disc. And discs break very easily, it's gonna be hard to break the N64 Cartridge.

I've made this mission officla because just now I ordered 4 N64 games off Amazon, yea 4! I ordered The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Donkey Kong 64, Diddy Kong Racing and Goldeneye. All of them pure classics! I already have The Legend of Zelda: Collectors edition but I really wanted it on N64, and I am still going to get Diddy Kong racing on DS, but the DS version dosn't have Banjo or Conker!

Well in other smaller news my sister bought The Elder Scrolls Oblivion: The Game of The Year Edition, this means next week I can give back the original game and get more money to spend on N64 games, it will never end hehe! Also Super Mario Galaxy is going well, I really enjoy it but I don't think it deserves to be called the best game in the world, if I ever review it, it will be getting 9 ish.

Well I'll seya real soon!