Ocarina of Time and Avacraft
by FredGoon on Comments
Well I started playing The Legend oz Zelda: Collectors edition again, I was torn between Ocarin of Time or Majoras Mask, But as I had already got into the adult stage as Link I decided to play that. With the help of the guide I managed to complete the Forest Temple and I belive I have 47 Golden Skullaters, I also own the fire residenttunic too. I just went back to The Temple of Time and Shiek was there and she taught me this song that can let me travel through time, now I can go back and forth between adult Link and kid Link whenever I feel like. Alough I don't see much point in this it is nice to go back when everything was great and there was no fighting and war, alough now I can go back and buy the water tunic and rember that darn song to the scarecrow. This is gonna be keeping me up for along time. Also about my last blog for thoose of you who didn't read my comment I made I put it was a misunderstanding, what he said in the PM was that he met this new guy and we are hitting it off. What he ment by hitting it off was starting lots of aguments, I thought you know they liked each other but the fact is he hated him, lol I shouldnt have jumped to conclusions. Anyway so now I am his offical online bf, which makes me alot happier. But because of this I will try and spend longer over at Teenhut hbut don't worry i will still be here. My next video will be my own trailer for MGS3, MGS: PO, MGS1 and MGS2, followed by a Dead Cell trailer and a whole series trailer that may be my last. Also I joined Gamespot on the 6th of August and that day is fast approaching, I will do more on that date. Seya later