I have been playing Portable ops online hour after hour after hour and boy does my hand hurt! I have won qwuite alot of battles but lost quite alot to, I added to my characteer collection Gene, Ocelot, Sokolov, Rakiov, Cunningham and ursla. sadly all but codes which i nnever wanted to do, but online was much better with theese characters, escpecially Gene he rocks. I'm still gonna go and unlock Eva, Sigint, Paramedic and elisa then the fun can really beggin. I really like Team deathmatch, thats my favorite, i actully rushed through the entire main game today in like 2 hours only looking for a Monsin Naugent and A SDV,I have the Mosin, but am still searching for the SVD, give it a few more minites. I'm still searching for the perfect Team, i know i will have Null on my team but thats all i'm sure of soo far, well I hope you can come play with me, you must have the EU version or Portable Ops plus or sorry pal.
well seya!