Yes today I ended school for the holidays, very emotional but it had to be done. Lots of hugs and kisses ect but its finnaly over till next year. Now I would want to do this blog tommrow but i may not get on because of packing and stuff like that. I am gfoing on hoilday to centre parks as you all know and I am taking my PS2. I am taking Buffy the Vampire Season 7 and my favorite PS2 game Ratchet and Clank: Gladiator, an amon to my PS2. Now the other gameI am taking with me is........Spiderman one. I know your all gonna disagree and this may sem kinda nerdy but It was the first game played on my PS2 and I want it to be the last. Sorta a nice sendoff to my PS2. Now anyway about my unions, Centre parks may or may not have an internet cafe so i do not know if i'll get to do a xmas blog, but if i dont you'll know why. I will try and do my useall Q Force Meetings and try and get on but intenet cafes are expensive so i'll be quick. Also my family gets a new member as my aunty gave birth to a baby girl about 1 and a half hours ago,I think her name is Angel but I dont know. If i dont see you till after Christmas I wish you all a good time and I hope you get what you want.
Merry Christmas!