I know how uttaly ridicoulous that sounds but I actully do mean it, strange as it may sound the game isn't actully all that bad.
Ok well before you all say I've lost it I haven't, its just I expected this game to be one of the worst games ever made, and now that I played it I can name lots of games that I own in my collection that are worse. Just to name a few MySims DS and Mario and Sonic at the Olimpig games are not as good. I'm not saying Superman 64 is one of the best games ever, far from it it has bad graphics, oversensitivve controls and strange choice of music. But I actully had fun playing it.
I started off at the ring section, now belive me I'm not lying when I say I did the whole thing on my second runthrough, each ring section that is, one of them I did it straight away. I don't see why people thought it was hard, I found it quite easy, although when you first start I didnt know what any od the controls were, just how to do this stupid punch. But once I got flying it was actully really fun, I used the oversensitiveness to my adavtage and was able to go super fast round all the rings. The combat through is terrible, just some akward punch.
I encountered many problems, for one thing why on earth am I going through rings anyway, I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. Second of all I actully fel through the floor at one point and ended up having to restart.
So if I were to give it a rating what do you'd think I'd give it, I would probbaly give it 2.5-3.0. But for some strange reason I enjoyed it more than games that I'd give 5-6, weird huh?
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Seya Real Soon!