Ok so by know you should know I've started a sub-blog called The College Life, in all of these blogs I talk about anything intresting or important that happens at my college because I know loads of you wanted to know how everything was going, so here you go.
In The College Life Part 1 and Part 2 I told you all about my two induction days, well in Part 3 I'll talk about my first proper day at college. Well one thing I am happy with is my small circle of friends, (All Girls ofcourse as the boy who was supposed to be in my class decided not to show up or even contact why so he's been kicked of the course, so its just me!) If you may recall I came with two school friends. Well Now one of those friends (Who wasn't in my class) has kinda forgotton about us, we didn't hang out at all and she has made her own little circle of friends that don't seem to like me that much. But I made a small circle, me and the other school friend and the girl I met on my first induction day, we also made friends with another girl who is on her second year. She was like lonely so we decided to befriend her as it's not a nice feeling being alone, and she may be shy, but really friendly.
I instanlty boned with my teachers, you may not know but at school I was kinda a suck up and would be like the teachers best friend and put my hand up to every question that I knew the answer to. So with all my experaince in ChildCare I knew mostly all the answers, I tried not to but I ended up putting my hand up for like every question. Although at school where I would get snide remarks I got none, and alot of my classmates liked me doing it and some even took notes on what I said :D.
Another thing that was scary but also made me feel more relaxed was today marks the first time ever where I actully admited to being gay face to face. I've done it with you guys, and my personal friends on Myspace, but today was face to face. He asked me if one of my friends at the train station asked me, and loads of my old school friends where there, and I happyly said yes. One person tried to make fun of me, but lots of people put a stop to it. Its a nice feeling, I haven't yet told any of my college friends yet, but by being the only male of my course, wearing a bright pink top and commenting that the guy who just passed us was hot to my class I think they get the messege :P. Which I'm tottaly ok with, I'm building up the strength to soon tell my family, then everybody will know, and I'll be free to be the real me.
Ok back on track, the lessons themselves were really fun and just what I expected. Although I lernt at my placement I'm going to have to deal with babies, this came as quite a shock as I assumed they'd be young children not babies, I never delt with babies before. I'm gonna have to feed them, change there nappies (Diapers in Amercia) wash them and clean up toilet messes...Not very appealing, I'm also gonna have to learn how to use a washing machine and iron clothes -_-, which I'm not looking forward to. But It should be fun otherwise as playing with them is always fun.
So thats Part 3 done, Part 4 will probbaly be when i go to my placement which should be Monday, who knows!
Seya Real Soon!