FredGoon / Member

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The College Life

Ok so here is an account of my first day at college.

I got to the train station and ran into my friend that I metv the last time, and when we stoppped off at another place we met the other friend too, so we all walked off to college. Horror struck when i found out I left my ID Student Card at home, thankfully it wasb't needed.

Then we went in and saw lots of people, we eventully got split into groups depending on what leval we are going into, I went into leval 2 along with one of my friends, the other went into leval 1. Anyway when we got in we were instructed to sit next to people who we don't know, so I sat next to these two girls (BTW there actully is a boy in my class called scott, he didn't turn up though) and we had totalk to each other. Very akward, I mean not me HER< i was very open and asked loads of questions, but all she did was say, yea, no, mabey. Not much of a talker, then everybody went with the person sitting next to them round the college to fill in questions. What does she do when my back is turned, ditches me!! So I was lost, untill I ran into my other friend, who also got ditched, so we went toegther.

During this time we met a really nice girl, she also got ditched as well and she asked if she could tag along with us. She is such a sweetie and really nice, at least I made one new friend :D. Then when we got back we were split up again into more groups, only to throw beabbags round to learn names followed by a human bingo game and many other minigames. Lucnh was cool, I felt wierd going out into town for lunch, but whatever, i got a sandwhidge!!!

Then more filling out and that was that. College seems really fun, but i'm so tired, I've got another induction day tommrow where we actully get divied into more groups -_-.

The College Life, It's Qwarktastic!