FredGoon / Member

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The Shoe that changed my afternoon

Well I had just finshed Lunhc and was hanging out of the feield with my friends when all of a sudden I look up and a shoe wacks into my face, I fell back onto the grass and was in seroius pain, my friends wanted to take me to Matron (School Nurse) but I don't like her so I said I'll be fine. I went and sat back down in my Form Room when my nose started bleeding, I went to the toilet to clean my nose but theblood was flowing rather quik so I grabbed my bag and headed to Matron. First of all she wasn't there so I had to wait outside for 10 minites before she arrived, blood had compltely covered the tissue and my hand I had and when she came she thought i'd cut myself. She then says "What are you doing here" I said sarcastcilly"Sightseing". That made her rather angry and she told me to sit down and handed me a tissue. (I sorta have a past with matron, I useally go there and we have sarcastic battles, its sorta fun but gets anyyoing because she usally wins.) Then she gives me a whole lecture on nosebleedss and how to stop them, I told her a shoe came out of the sky and hit my face but she didn't belive me and claimed was lying, but she still cleaned me up and off I went to my lesson. I was 15 minites late to my lesson and when I arrived at my classroom my class wasn't there, I panicked, I went to basilcy all the rooms in the school, toook me 15 minites to find the class, It has been an intresting day, now I always fear the shoe, I think I'm gonna go barefeet, bye!