Ok so at long last the money that my nan gave me is almost apon me, the Bank are just doing a couple of things and then i should have about £50.00 to spend at my leisure, already have £22.00 sitting in there already but thats holiday money. So what am I gonna buy you may ask, well it's not a game, and if anybody is thinking no its not a spiderman suit either :p. Its a camcorder.
You may have reccaled that when FGVB ended i vowed to one day buy one, so well i found a good one for £45.00 on Amazon so that should sufice, now's as good as any time to buy one. If I get the money quickly and then order it I should beable to take it away on my holiday. Which is the 21st of Agust (The same day as my GSCE exam results come out and college enrolment day!) so If I do I'll take it with me and reccord some stuff and then share my holiday experainces.
What I'll use it for after the holiday is gonna be pretty neat, I'm gonna do a series of rants, about pretty much anything, one day you'll hear me rant about why i hate Bannana's and another time I'll be showing you round my town who knows! Alongsie that random stuff will be possibly video reviews, but only if the qualitty of the camara is good, and then I may do a video blog series, not decided yet. But still it will mean you'll beable to see more of my fabulas face and hey who can complain about that eh!
Yea so I'll let you know how that gets on, but at the end of the month I'm gonna get my work wages, about £200.00! Yea so stay tuned at the end of the month for some stuff. in the meantime here is a remake of the video "Gravedigger" that I made a while ago, with new MGS4 footage. Please post comments and enjoy, seya!