FredGoon / Member

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Will the DS be the answer?

Well my Birthday is March the 7th, my parents said I can either get 4 PS3 games, a Ipod, lots of other games or a DS Lite and one game for my birthday, I might actully choose the DS Lite. I never really thought about getting one up untill reccently, but now I really really want one. My sister has one and the games are really good, its just her's is sracthed, big and clunky and she's lost the stylis. The PSP actully is not really that good, there isn't enough good exlusive games for it for me to enjoy it, the DS has loads i wanna get such as. Phatom hourglass, Mario Kart, New Superr Mario brother, Super mario 64 DS, Starfox command, Metroid Prime hunters and Tingles freshly picked rosie ruppe land just to name a few. But the one i want most is mario and Luigi: Partners in time whitch is the sequal to Mario and Luigi: Superstar saga. In other news I'm going to a college open evening this wednesday so wish me luck!