@ReadingRainbow4 How about walking into a gun shop, buying a gun, pulling it out and hearing everyone yell "OMG, he's got a gun" and scatter all over the place. I mean hello, I'm in a gun shop. It's not like I pointed it at anyone. A lot of glitches and errors in this game.
That's probably the only feature I like in Watch Dogs. Allows you to see the city without looking at the map the whole time like GTA. You would miss all the scenery.
If you compare all these games, the biggest thing that stands out the most is how EXTREMELY HARD Watch Dogs is even on easy level. Come on, you have to escape a building of 20 armed soldiers attacking you with choppers in the sky sniping you down? The idea of these games like Grand Theft Auto is to immerse you in the story, not to make it challenging. The challenge is there for you to pick at, but the idea is to enjoy the game.
I've never died so much in a video game like I did in watch dogs. Super Mario brothers? PFFTTT... died more in watch dogs. It definitely doesn't feel like Chicago. Born and raised in Chicago. This is not Chicago.
It's very sad that many Free to Play games are going down hill after it's launch. AOEO was a great concept and an amazing attempt at graphics. I'm very sad that they did not push this for standalone. The game reminds me of World of Warcraft the way graphics are detailed. I'm tired of realism and tired of the old crappy graphics of AOE2. Stop trying to make money and focus on quality. Quality eventually brings you money if done correctly.
It's funny that blizzard has something to say about this since they started it. I mean come on guys, giving someone a title and recognition for reaching a level first or profession is condoning to someones death. We all want to be the best, but not dead while trying. Blame game companies that encourage this by adding these types of feats in game.
There's no such thing as next gen. The idea of next gen is to change the game is seen or played. The idea of next gen is to bring realism to gaming, not just boost power. I'll be happy with my xbox360 and I'm sure not many will need to upgrade. When switching from xbox to xbox360 we saw a lot in graphics and speed. Next Gen will not offer anything in graphics but only speed and power. As for EA, I've been telling everyone this is one money hungry company. All they want is to give you crap and make money out of it. You wonder why people pirate in a screwed up economy that keeps getting more expensive each month.
I have both games, Live and 2k. I must say I'm disappointed in NBA 2k8 with their style of graphics. Live this year has been far more superior in the graphics department. All around, the game play is a major factor and NBA 2k8 always has the edge. If your looking for high intense arcade simulation, NBA Live is your choice. If your looking for realistic NBA style simulation, then 2k is the one for you. NBA Live 2008 Graphics 9.7 NBA 2k8 Graphics 8.6
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