You aren't alone. I've owned an XBOX a few years and just recently decided to softmod it with XBMC installed. I love it so much I wanted to use it to the fullest ability and connect it to my 50" plasma (Vizio from Costco). I bought a genuine xbox av pack off eBay ($40), but I'm impatient so while waiting for that I bought a $15 Gamestop universal component set. I'm disappointed. Connecting it to the XBOX and to either Component 1 or Component 2 of my HDTV reveals -- jack squat! That is, I get the same old fuddy duddy 3 screen options (normal, letterbox, widescreen) and no 420p, 720p, 1080i options. I told the chick at Gamestop that I might return them if they didn't work so tomorrow, back they go.
Anyway, it's not you, your age ;-) or your XBOX. It's that garbage cable that Gamestop sells!
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