So as im typing this E3 is like 29 hours away or some thing like that and ofcourse im very exited about it just like everyone else. Due to the extreme amount of time i have on my hands and the boredom that haunts me this final day before E3 i decided to give you the reasons why i am or why im not going to watch certain conferences. So here u go, this is why E3 this year is gonna rock:
MICROSOFT: So as some of you probably know I do NOT own a 360 and THAT is the exact reason im looking forward to Bill Gates' army of nerdyness' conference. Most of you have heard that the Xbox360 is getting a price drop this year and that is too good to be true for me because i dont have one of those trees that grow money. The reason im not gonna be a fanboy and refuse Microsofts console is all the great exclusives. Fable 2, Gears of War 2(gotta play the original first), Tales of Vesperia, Mass Effect 2, Infinite Undiscovery, the list goes on and on but you get the idea. And for those 360 games that arent exclusive: No, i will not get them for 360, those that interest me i will play on the PlayStation 3. Which brings us to the arch enemy of Microsoft...
SONY: They were the first to bring out next generation gaming back in the day with its innovative PlayStation console. The little gray box that seemed impossible to surpass. And boy, how far we've come. Sonys Blu-Ray empowered console, the PlayStation 3 will, without a doubt, put Microsoft against the wall at this years E3. Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Playstation Home, Naruto Ultimate Ninja: STORM, Killzone 2, SIREN: Blood Curse, The PS3 Version of BioShock, Valkyria Chronicles, inFAMOUS, Pixeljunk Eden, Motorstorm 2 and many others. To me, the PS3 wont win by it's exclusives only but the multiplatform games will be a factor in the equation as well. Far Cry 2, The Last Remnant, Resident Evil 5, Prince of Persia(WOOOT!), This is Vegas, Afro Samurai :lol: are all going to be better on ps3. Do'nt call me a fanboy, its just facts. The Blu-ray makes for a mutch more beautiful game and the ps3s software updates keeps all games from lagging and freezing. I'm pretty tired of listing great games that will be at E3 so i wont do it any more but the PSPs got some interesting titles coming up aswell. To sum it all up: Sony has the upperhand in the console war this year.
NINTENDO: ...Who...?
Well, thats all i got to say about E3 for now, C ya there ;).