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Wii Rant

OK so I love Nintendo, but where do they get off Charging $250 for Gamecube + Wiimote?

Is the Wiimote $150 peripheral?

The 360 steering wheel is $150 so which one should I buy?

To say the Wii is to PS3, 360, what Tamagachi was to gameboy is an understatement for sure, but I like the analogy.

Omit the HD:

How can you have a direct input device, and subject the user to scaler lag caused by SD and ED signals, even if minimal, I can't believe Nintendo made that call.

What about Surround Sound?

IMO Nintendo underestimated their audience this gen. Completely selling out to the casual gamer. I understand, more sales to more people is good, but those casual gamers, don't buy 10+ games a year, on three different consoles.

HD and at least 5.1 SS are necessary for any hardcore mature gamer this generation. The same kids that grew up on the NES, are now earning a living, and like me, tend to buy whatever they want.

Now I've got the gear, that demands a high end gaming machine, so how does Nintendo market to ME? With a 5 year old box, and a new peripheral.

I'm all for novel and original gameplay, but the Wii is what the Gamecube should have been, and I can't help but resent Nintendo for sending their crippled box out to play with the big boys.

The Wiimote is screaming RIPMEOFF, and what then?

I've supported Nintendo for the last 20 years, but no more.
