Freer / Member

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Freer Blog

Pretty Bad

Nice Map...I Guess....OK For MS Paint it is pretty damn good :D:D

(Reference - Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal)


Played Today

Battlefield 3 - Multiplayer

Acheived Private First Class Three Stars

Look for more of my statistics on battlelog!  Username is Freer89, same goes for Origin!


The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim

Ratchet & Clank

Hey guys, just picked up one of the hotdeals on Playstation Network.  Ratchet & Clank collection is one of many HD remastered multi-game collections to emerge in this generation.  I believe mainy because of the high data capacity that Blu-Ray technology now provides gamers.  I really enjoy the idea that these games are being upgraded in terms of definition and in some cases online content as well.  Even if it is just trophy support.  Getting back on topic, I basically recieved the first three games, a limited edition 10th anniversary Avatar and an advance demo of the new Sly Cooper game (Awesome!) for only $7.50!  Of course my Playstation Plus Trial allowed for this price.