Man, was I wrong about this game. I thought it was sooo bad and not worth the time or effort. But boy was I wrong. This game is I believe a must-have RPG. Problems with the game i thought was bad was mainly the Battle system. I thought it was long and boring but its pretty much the opposite of that. Its something "new" and exicting and now i love fighting. Another thing i thought was bad about the game was the load times. Well, meh its not good and its not bad either the only problem is going from place to place thats when the load times brother me. But its very much worth it seeing how the graphics are VERY great and are ALL rendered in full 3D. Even the battle scencry is great. Moving on, the camra angles are something i still don't like about the game. I can see the enemy on the screen so i cant get to hit him and get the advantage in battle. Also in battle i can't see where the enemy is so often im running in the wrong direction. Then there is the Voice acting which is just plain bad but i can deal with it. The Story is just GREAT and is pretty much what saves the game. ALL in all this game is awsome and i have no idea what i was smoking when i was bad mouthing it.