I'm having trouble picking out a good next-gen console. they all seem great but idon't know which one to purchase.
-360 has its great titles coming out like halo3 andbio-shock which is great. also, they have an amazingon-line service from what i hear. but if i get a 360,I'm worried if it might explode and have to repair it a kajillion times.
-PS3 has a great amount of games coming out like kill-zone 2 (which looks amazing by the way), war-hawk, MGS4, etc. and the on-line services from what i hear are good, but not as good as Xbox live. also, i dont know if a $499 PS3 is worth it. sure it sounds like an outstanding deal. but for me, i still think its a little to much cause I'm poor aspoop and also, i kinda regret having a psp for its lack of good games. but if i get a ps3, idon't wanna regret it either.
-Wii has a great line-up of games as well. but from what i hearis that it lacks on-line services. but i grew up playing Nintendo and always loved it. i still play my NES! but the thing is that if i get a Wii, I'm gonna miss all the great titles that are coming out for the other consoles.
so as you can see here I'm having a slight problem picking out a system. so i wanna hear what you people have to say.:D
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