@makemefamous07: PS4 is a GREAT console. It is beautiful to look at, is extremely powerful, has the BEST exclusives, the best online play at the cheapest rate, and will soon be powered up even more with the Pro!! You sound like a jealous lemming, but I have one thing to say: TLHBO!!!
Friendlyfire53's forum posts
@darkrecon: But which direction would the arrow be pointing? And which side would I be standing on??
Where is the discussion? Shitposting at it's finest
The discussion is supposed to be about how the power separation between Xboned and PS4 is going to continue to grow as the PS4 Pro is released. Let's also back this up to last gen when the PS3 was released with The Cell processor. Xbox 360 was FAR outmatched, the only issue that gen was that The Cell was way too advanced for it's time, so the power couldn't be fully unleashed. This gen things are different as the PS4's power has already been fully harnessed, and the developers now need more power. The PS3's Cell has still not been fully unleashed.
After PS4 Pro was announced, a very large gap was widened even further. Scorpio has yet to be announced, and in the meantime the Xbox One continues to DECAY. Almost no exclusive's, a price tag which can't compete with the Pro, and a much smaller user base. How can Microsoft recover from this after their console was already underpowered? I can tell you this much: at one point I had the Xbox One on my wish list, but I have changed my mind and made the decision to DELETE Xbox one from said list.
@Netret0120: The battle between Xbone and PS4 is extremely important to discuss for the purposes of history! These companies employ a lot of people, hence whoever destroys the other will have an impact on the real world.
Pick a complimentary historic battle you think best represents the current state of Xbone vs PS4. I'm going to say at this point in the console battle we're at The Battle of Moscow 1941. Sony came out very strong and has given Microsoft all they can handle, but it seems Microsoft has finally gathered their composure and is now putting up a fight. Sony is still way ahead, but Microsoft has finally seen their 1st victories. Can Microsoft give Sony their Stalingrad (Scorpio perhaps?!?), or will Sony make a final push and knock Microsoft out of the console game???
@jcrame10: It's not called the DelayStation for nothing. If you expect these killer games to come out next year, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Xbone pulling ahead in 2019. Calling it now.
SJWs, hyper-sensitive PC nuts
Moderates and conservatives do not use this type of rhetoric. It's a symptom of the Left.
You have no self awareness at all do you? The right constantly do that, I even joked about it in my first post in this thread and you just demonstrated it yourself.
But maybe I'm just a cuck or something.
You're just a cuck. But that's ok, some people dig it.
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