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Halloween... was 2 days ago.

Random Comment of the day:
"Ahh! I got rick-rolled!" BigBerry69.

Okay. So, 2 days ago, I was dressed as Hannah Montana, end everyone was REALLY scared! Man, Dylan, you were right! We didn't go trick-or-treating, but I was treated to 3 parties!!!

1. At 3rd Period, we had to see Edward Sizzorhand, which was a pretty good movie.
2. The Party at school, where we were ripped off! When the Haunted House was pretty scary (I sneacked in) it was cancelled, thanks to the fire department (danm, fire department)
3. While we didn;t go trick or treating, Jody returned from camp, and his friends came for chickedn and pizza. Sweetness (cookie for refrence)

So, anyways, I also wanna thank Jack Crowther for a happy birthdat. Today (or, rather, yesterday) he turned 18, so he's legal! Yay! Happy birthday, KHF!!

Sorry for inconvience, but, just wanna make sure.
