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Fritzerbacon Blog

Awesome News!!!

Guess what guys!

I just bought myself an Xbox 360! Boo-ya! It came with GRAW and some arcade dealie. Best part is....I got it for $299.99!!! That's right, a Premium 360 Package for 300 smackers. (thats CDN for those who don't think its that good of a price :P) I couldn't set it up tonight because I had was too much homework, but tomorrows a different story!

Speaking of which, its almost tomorrow (11:50 Mountain Standard Time). So I'm gunna sign off and get some rest.

(P.S. - Lost Planet is looking kinda cool....almost)

:(....Bad News.....Really Bad.....:(

I just found out that a guy from my school past away on Wednesday, December 20, 2006. I didn't know him too well, but I had a couple disscusions with him and he seemed like a really nice guy! I give my prayers to his family as they will going through a very tough Christmas this year. Hopefully everyone who reads this will do the same.

I don't know if I can officially do this, so I am going to unofficially dedicate Gamespot's Best & Worst Awards of 2006 to a truly great guy, Brendan Jost.

Best & Worst of 2006

Wow, many things have happened this year. PS3 + Wii launch, Xbox (original) is pretty much dead, if not completely. 

Hundreds of games came out this year as well. We started out the year with the DS and Electroplankton, which was pretty disappointing for me. Tales of Legendia was a big suprise, it kept its $59.99 CDN price tag for practically the whole year!

Much money was spent on games this year for me. I recently looked at my YTD total made, and what I have to show for it...and well, I have only $1000 to show for the 6K that I made :P.

Im really pumped for this years Best & Worst. Nominees get released in just over 2 days now! I'm sure that LoZ: TP, FFXII, FFIII(DS), Gears of War, Resistance: Fall of Man and Oblivion will be in one of the many 'Best' catagories! As for the Worst, I can only wait to laugh!:P

I got a Wii! Yea!

Yea! I got the Wii and I beat Call of Duty 3! And I just started Twilight Princess (about 3 hours in). And HOLY CRAP! I greatly enjoyed campaign of COD3, but I dunno what was wrong, but sometimes my guy wouldn't throw grenades, so he just held a cooking grenade and....die. Yet I overcame that and beat it! I must say, the second last level was very difficult, more than the last level. But all I can say is that I will be enjoying Twilight Princess until COD4 comes out.

Now, the story for TP is fricken awesome! I am actually enjoying more than people told me I would. In fact, I'm gunna go play it right now, and some Wii Sports :P

P.S. - I'm looking foward to FarCry: Vengence and Disaster: Day of Crysis.

Some good news, some bad news...

Well, the bads news is, me and my girlfriend broke up about 2 months ago, but thats cuz stuff happened that I will NOT get into, lol.

But that's then, the awesome news is that I pre-ordered the Wii with Bozaba just over 1 month ago...or just under, whenever the pre-order day was. Im so pumped! Gunna get FarCry, LOZ:TP, and Red Steel for sure! There's no doubt about it, that I'm gunna get these 3. Im debating if I should get Excite Truck (post a comment and lemme know if I should). Im deffinately gunna get Project H.A.M.M.E.R. when it comes out. But yea, lemme know what else I should get.

Oh yea, also, the other day when I was at EB, I found 6 games that i wanted so bad, but talked myself out of buying them to save for the Wii. The games were .Hack Part 1-4, and Kingdom Under Fire (both of them). Well, not too much exciting stuff happening in my life right now, the big thing is the Wii!!! YAAA W00T.

Long Time No Entry...

Hey guys! Wow, its been a long time since I posted anything on, where to start. Well, mainly I stopped blogging and checking out Gamespot is because I've been pre-occupied by somebody. Yes thats right, Fritzerbacon has a girlfriend:roll::D And no, I'm not some crazy computer nerd and neither is she. Actually, a few of my friends from here know her. Bozaba and Seraph76 know her...well, at least Bozaba knows her and Seraph76 has seen a picture of her...but yea! Anyways, that's my excuse for my absence for quite some time. Nothing new really, I'm saving up for the Wii and a car (probably gunna get the Wii first, lol) but yea. I have bad spending habits and I really need to stop them, actually I recently bought about 10 games in the past 3 yeah, that just proves my bad habit. But that will stop (I hope). So, there's nothing really much for me to talk about and I'll put another entry about my boring life which some people seem to enjoy reading for no apparent reason which really frightens me.



It's My Birthday!!!

Today I'm the big 1-6. I'm so excited! I dunno what I'm gunna get (but I doubt it's anything to do with games or consoles). My parents are kinda against the whole, 'Buy games for our son' type of thing....but I don't mind.

But yeah! It's my birthday today and I'm 16!

Peace out!

Big News! (for me at least)

I've decided to let you guys read about stuff other than my post count and level. So here is the big news!.....

If you haven't visited my wish list...go ahead and do so now... (these games are just for the specific console)

If you can't tell by these games, I've decided to buy a PS2! I'm excited about it. I'm getting into the RPG genre of games. I own all but 2 RPG's for my Xbox, and since the Xbox is basically dead (there are no more games that I want for my 'box), I decided to get into Sony's world.

If there are any good PS2 games that are missing from my wanted list let me know :P. I know Katamari (1&2) are both great games and I kinda want them, but not as much as I do these other games.

That's all I really have to say for tonight.

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