Personaly, i think the Halo series suck...and i mean BIGTIME! I wrote an EXCELLENT review about Halo that perfectly*:) nailed it.
Too bad that some sorry@$$ fanboys cannot coop with it.
...still reading?..............Okay, now pay attention, perhaps you...nv...
Now, why does Halo blow, or at least in my opinion?
Because its from Microsoft? Because the "Master Chief" (not be confused with The Master THIEF!) is nothing but some guy dressed in Xbox-green Motorcross-cycling suit and helmet? Totaly uninspired?Hmm maybe....
But wait, there is more:) When crap as this game one deserves such a
low score from me, then there must be something terribly wrong about it.
Its sucks so bad, i don't even know where to begin!
But il try:) One thing at a time (sigh): ok first the graphics, which are the game less weakest point. Technically the game doesn't looks bad, with thing like detailed textures, pixel shader for watereffects and shiny look on things going on. But the leveldesign, especially lets say level 3, is just plain boring. I mean, can you spell "Copy and Paste?" It al looks so similair, that i simply got lost just because of ctrl c -ctrl v corridor no##! Its awful, just awful! Whats also lame is that the framerate is inconsistent and choppy.
Okay, on the sound: the 2nd less lame point: the less bad news is that the music(and soundtrack) is acceptable. As for the sound effects, i don't know how a laser gun or an alien weapon sounds like, so no problem here too.
BTW, explosions sound nice...That said, the voiceacting is quite lame .
I mean, aliens(the covenant) who can talk gibberly english?
And then that women on your side whatshername, i dont know but i don't like her. I got nothing against women, but she annoys me. (Perhaps because she sounds like my mum:) Not cool...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Prepare yourself for the worst part: THE GAMEPLAY!!! (deathmars melody on background)
Welcome to the WEAKEST link of ALL links in this lame .... game.
The GAMEPLAY is slow as an uphill going old Turtle. Master Chief, tss, more a Master Turtle, if you ask me. Story is utterly forgetable, the usual standard humans vs aliens stuff. The unfriendly kind, you know who want to blow up the earth etc etc. Did i mention the controls of the Warthog vehicles yet? OMG! The controls are so messed up, even after hours and hours you'd still dirve like you've been drinking. OMG, whatch out, it drunken Master Turtle behind the Wheel! YOu best better take a walk, i''d say! Walk like a Turtle..Jingle...
To close this review with a bright spot, Halo does have a good strong point: it doesn't take long to finish it!
Yep, thats right. Usually this is not good, but in this case it is. Really!
What about the Multiplayer?
The game has multplayer mode. But that blows too. A game this bad just plain sucks, and multiplayer can't do nothing about it.
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